I don't know that I've ever made any new years resolutions. For those things that are most important or that I want to focus on, I take small, intentional steps toward. For example, I don't ever say I want to lose weight. I say Im going to do 15-30 minutes of an activity daily. Doesn't really matter what so long as I establish a pattern. For writing a novel, I'm starting with some chapter outlines, maybe writing some scenes, and then eventually pages, but I'm not going to "write a novel" this year until I look back and discovered I've written a novel ๐Ÿ˜‰

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No resolutions for me either, Mark, and thatโ€™s good...because Iโ€™m sure I would have broken all of the by now!

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I don't think I've ever made any resolutions.

Per your list:

I am supposed to walk at least 20 minutes a day. I don't have time to do that at home but I do the equivalent at work. I plan to try to read some books this year. Several books have been mentioned on people's substacks and I have a large list already.

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Great post, Mark - an excellent list of intentions in a fabulous notebook!

I'm allergic to resolutions, so in answer to your question let me hijack some wise words by Winston Churchill and tell you that I'm going to just 'keep b*gg*ring on'. That'll do me for 2023!

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My post about the resolutions I made this year comes out Tuesday and talks about what I have (and haven't accomplished) in the first month. I think the important thing is to have some goals and keep working at them even if you falter some days. Good luck with yours!

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Well, Mark, as an old record guy (and an old-record guy), I've always leaned on "New Year's Revolutions," trying to set goals for which (and how many) records I might obtain in an upcoming year!๐Ÿ’ฟI once, though, beset myself with finally discovering how many grooves might be implanted on any given slab o' vinyl.

So, after spending the better part of a week counting them on one album, I finally realized each one has just ONE groove, lest the tonearm be rendered otherwise crippled in making its eventual rendezvous with the label! So, now you know how I spent LAST week!๐Ÿ˜

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No resolutions - just a few goals. None of which have so far disappeared, but none of which are exactly being met, either. I like the idea of the New Year rebirth, but the reality is that after the celebration the regular predictability of life just ambles on ....

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